The risks involved
The main risks that may be associated with this procedure may include darkening
or lightening of the treated skin and blistering therein. In addition , healing
in the skin can occur . If the process can be handled by a medical professional
with exceptional experience and have a full understanding of the basic concepts
of laser hair removal ; there is minimal risk that can be experienced .
Treatment may require several sessions to ensure a permanent removal of hair in
the desired area. Although this can contribute to a condition known as
reticular erythematous , resulting in long-lasting redness of the skin on a
band -shaped pattern .
Tips to make sure you're getting the best services
Very low prices are a reflection of what you pay , the laser equipment to be
expensive to be reflected in the prices and make sure you have a test patch
before the process begins . Due to technological advancement has rare and
minimal side effects , however , side effects can occur and that is why one
should go to a qualified doctor.