Thursday, July 11, 2013

Organic Beauty Care

1.Good environmental

Organic systems aim to reduce dependence on non-renewable resources. Organic production aims at all times towards sustainability while having best management of the environment and wildlife as a priority.

2.Good for people

Organic base ingredients it has been shown in several studies to contain more vitamins, nutrients and cancer fighting antioxidants that non-organic ingredients.

3.No synthetic chemicals

Organic systems prohibit the use of artificial colors and fragrances, pesticides and fertilizers.

4.Good for soil

Organic systems rely on a modern and scientific understanding of ecology and soil science, while also depending on traditional methods of crop rotations to ensure fertility and weed and pest control.

5.No GMO

Certified Organic Products Animals 6.No harmed

Organic products are tested on humans, not animals.

July. Socially Responsible

By opting for the use of organic beauty to make a conscious effort to do the right thing for yourself and your planet.