Recognition of practical action through these tips, keep a journal to record their experiences to compare what you have done to how you feel and where it leads. One thing is certain: when you put your attention will be expanded in the future, healing intentions that begin as external events in their daily ways and love will flow back to you on the inside, and new experiences are inevitable . To do good things for you, here are some tips for you to do:
1. Use natural products tender. Its global anti-aging effects go a long way and also help keep the environment green.
2. Exercise and massage into hands and feet daily before bedtime to show your appreciation for all they do for you.
3. Exfoliate your hands and feet once a month with a mixture of sea salt scrub, a few drops of lemon or lime juice and 1 drop of the following essential oils - lavender trees, tea and rose oil . Your hands and feet deserve the same care you give your face to be the best of themselves.
4. Cut nails style and prevent self-contamination. This will not only lead to good health, but your jewelry will be even more beautiful.
5. Soak your feet in warm water with a pinch of cayenne pepper if you feel exhausted. Remember to always test the water temperature before putting your feet in the water, so as not to burn.
6. Put your feet every day to reduce the risk of swelling.
7. Wear shoes that fit well and comfortable. Do not sacrifice your health like that! Instead, it combines style and comfort. It is an investment in yourself that will pay dividends for years.
8. Eat whole foods, preferably locally grown organic ones. Color, texture, flexibility and sensitivity of the hands, feet and nails, to indicate what is happening inside your body.
9. Sleep well at night. Your body needs to be recharged while you sleep so you can make your own detox and rejuvenation. This includes your mind too. Some studies recommend lights at 10:00 pm every night.