If your day requires you to be on your feet most of the time, then the skin of your feet can become dry if it is not properly supported. In fact, your feet are very prone to developing calluses. To promote better health of your feet, you need to keep the skin of the feet in good physical condition to remove the stress. Exfoliate the feet using a loofah every 3 days. Get a good lotion and moisturizer feet and apply every day.
To protect your hands and feet of spots and age spots, avoid the sun and keep these areas covered as much as possible. Always use sunscreen with an SPF higher organic.
Finally, to keep skin looking nourished and healthy, drink plenty of water. Hands are depleted of moisture due to constant washing throughout the day. On the other hand, the feet are much more exposed to extreme conditions that can cause drought. Drinking water will provide the necessary moisture for many of these areas to keep skin soft and supple. Hands and feet should never be ignored. Follow these tips for better health-looking hands and feet.