Health Tips # 3: Fun and Recreation
What makes you happy? Go to the movies? Ice skating? Playing the guitar? Whatever it is, must find time for once a week (if not daily) to maintain good mental stability. Its activities and hobbies should not include junk food or alcohol. Go to the movies is watching the movie, eating a tub of popcorn with butter fat. Be happy with what you are doing without unnecessary harm.
Health Tips # 4: Hydration
Drinking enough water throughout the day is the part of the equation is ignored. People do not look as important as eating drinking and it is! You should not drink soda or juice processed each day. Why? Because deplete the body of vitamins and minerals as you load up on sugar. Alcohol is even worse. Do yourself a favor and keep a water bottle with you at all times. Drink, drink, drink. I can not emphasize this enough.
Health Tips # 5: Stress
And speaking of stress, this is what happens when not allowed to have all the fun in your life. This is so important to live a healthy lifestyle such as eating and drinking properly. Too much stress can cause major problems for your body. You only live once, so do not let other people and events for you so upset and worried that you can not live the lifestyle you deserve for yourself.
Health Tips # 6: Healthy Habits
Do not eat the wrong foods is as important as eating the right foods. But healthy habits are not just about food, right? Smoking and the use of other drugs, prescription or not, is probably the worst thing a person can do for your body. This is the one you have! Take care of it. Alcohol is okay once in a while but not recommended on a daily basis to anyone interested in living a healthy life.
Health Tips # 7: Weight Control
Have you ever noticed that weight loss is not really the issue that people struggle with? Almost everyone has lost weight at a time in your life. Keeping that weight off is the obstacle that most people can not overcome. Think logically. If you gained weight by eating cookies, then lost weight when I stopped eating cookies, not to eat cookies. The person who eats cookies on occasion (not every day) does not struggle with weight fluctuation.
Health Tips # 8: Exercise
You knew this was coming! It is entirely possible to lose weight without exercise. I am living proof that my severe asthma prohibited me from doing so. The reason may exercise now is because I have my body healthy by focusing on the other 7 categories. Once I started exercising, only accelerated my weight loss and now helps me stay lean. The key to exercise is not quantity but quality. A little every day will give the best health benefits in general.