Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mature Traveler Beauty Tips

For plane trips longer than 2 hours, then it is better to wait and use the form at the destination. This is especially true if you are a long trip with an electronic machine. If you can not live without makeup, try using a powder products, not liquid, powder, because it not only gives you the cover also has SPF protection and can absorb excess oil. But there is a light hand, you do not want the powder to settle into wrinkles, exaggerating them. A little touch-up during landing or arrival in your place and you are ready poyti.Raznitsu time is a problem when crossing time zones and having their sleep interrupted schedule makes room on your face. You know, of course, look better when you're well rested. If you go to a different time zone, avoid caffeine after 2 pm local time and to avoid dehydration and you can reduce the difference in their времени.Проконсультируйтесь with TSA guidelines as to what you can bring on a plane. You do not want to confiscate all the toiletries and must replace them with someone else's territory. A little forethought will save you hours of obostreniya.Vozmite with a disinfectant when you do not have access to clean sinks and soap. And always, always wash your hands thoroughly before applying makeup and did not even touch the person. It will keep your skin clear and healthy you are on your vacation. The presence of a breakthrough on the real killer vacation fun and breakthroughs happen in any vozraste.Nosite sunscreen, even on an airplane, especially if you have a window seat. The higher you go more intense UV rays. Use products with SPF included for udobstva.Nakonets, pack your makeup bag on top of hand luggage, so you can reach it easily when you arrive at your destination. You must include the blotting paper, to save face from the bright T-seat, slightly tinted powder to brighten your complexion and baby powder to absorb the oil in your hair. Just sprinkle a little bit of hair, and then clean up.