Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dental Health Tips-2nd part

One way to give them the idea is to first brush your teeth in front of him. Tell them why you brush your teeth and ask them if you can show them and help them to brush their teeth. If you get too much resistance, you have to worry. You are "Boss". I'm not saying you have to be aggressive, but you must be assertive and determined.

When you begin to use toothpaste, make sure it has fluoride in it. Children at an early age tend to swallow toothpaste, so do not give them too much. A small pea-sized part of the tooth paste is enough. Fluorine is a very important fight tooth decay. Ask the child to spit out toothpaste, and then follow the foot-rinse with water. I do not believe that the child is able to brush your teeth properly until they have the dexterity to tie their own shoes. The same applies to floss the teeth, and if not more.

It said that the brushing methods must be monitored until they are nine or ten years and beyond. To serve as a good role model by practicing good oral health habits and schedule regular dental visits for cleaning and inspection meetings as required.

You know I have been told how to take care of your children's teeth to prevent tooth decay expensive, but the best way to prevent tooth decay, is to prevent your children consume too much sugar in any form. We all know kids love candy in any way they can get it. Do not eat candy can be a problem if they have a good home care brushing and flossing habits. But as most kids do not have these good habits at an early age, you will need to reduce the sugar they consume daily diet.You can collect all the information about dental tips in my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th part of this article. so read all the part.