Saturday, March 31, 2012

Relatively Painless Health Tips

Genetics: It helps if you have a good genetic heritage. You do not have to control it, but by knowing the strengths, weaknesses, risks, and what did your ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.), you can take the lifestyle steps to minimize the risk of going the same way of life gurgler.

Gums: I heard a long time ago that it was just as important to your gums when you brush your teeth, a type of massage for those who are likely to stimulate the blood flow through and keep them healthy. Healthy gums do better for your teeth. It is not enough because the gums and cavities may need to be filled! In any case, I accepted practice, and yet all of my teeth firmly in place.

Interests: If you sit around the house bored out of the skull, it is not good for the mental state which in turn affects the physical well-being. Activities stimulating the mind and should all be hobby - indeed, if the second number of the lost or the call from the Peters reason or another. Should not, of course, is not weather-dependent. I have heard that the mind games such as chess or crossword puzzles, or solve the paradoxes, or figuring out whodunits are particularly useful for older, less can be an active, retired persons. Interests do not have to be expensive, but it is up to you and the bank manager if the hobby collecting Rembrandts!

Iron: while the iron is other trace elements, which are essential to life, and the legs - all right, rather than the limb, but in this case the sound in blood. Foods rich in iron are not my thing, so I take iron tablets are taken as a dietary supplement. It works for me. But if you keep a lot of liver and spinach, you make a very iron-ward.

Service life: I have read long ago that the two geographical areas, was the longest and healthiest life cycle of its residents - Japan and the surrounding Mediterranean. In the first case, the result of a diet high in fish. In the latter case it was caused by a diet rich in tomatoes. Both the fish (and fish oils) and tomatoes appear to positive values ​​when it comes to contributing to the overall health effects.

Music: Music to soothe the wild beast. Translated, listen to your favorite music has positive effects on your mental state, a positive mental state represents a positive experience - mind over matter. Happy the mind makes a healthy body.

Organics: Eating organic foods are healthy right? Well, its labeling as organic is just a PR rip-off is designed to separate more money from you than you should pay for the same product without the "organic" label. One shop owner proudly meat is marked with the word "organic". I asked him to show me his range of inorganic presumably less expensive meat, and of course he could not, because there is no such thing. All meat is organic. But the absolute height of stupidity to see the display was a bottle of water labeled "organic". Now that the water does not contain the element carbon, which is what the word organic, or should mean, such as organic chemistry - chemistry of carbon compounds? And bottled water is the second throughout the rip-off. Tap water is just as good, cheaper, and not the remainder of the plastic bottles littering up the landscape. Actually, when my cats are a range of fresh tap water in their water bowl, or a puddle of rain water to drink off, wild water wins hands down. Wild animals have very nicely with drinking water, which is much less pure than what comes out of the bathroom or kitchen faucet.

Purpose in life: you really need the reason (s) to get out of bed in the morning - part of the meaning of life. If you do not have a real reason to actually get out of bed in the morning, you can live an empty life. You hate to get out of bed in the morning, but if you have a real reason, purpose, responsibility for something above and beyond yourself, you can do it. There are 101 plus for purposes you would accept as their own - a charity working for one.

Sleep: Sleep is a very important part of everyday life. Just as oxygen and food and water, can not last for very long without it. And different people need different amounts of sleep a day. As the time left on earth as a living, breathing entity receives less and less, it is apparent waste to spend around one third, and what will you limbo - in a dream. You yourself have to decide for themselves compromise the quality of life remaining (plenty of sleep, fully rested), and the amount of life (damn uni, living life in 7.24.52), who has left for you.

Smoking: Do not smoke. Smoking is one unnatural act when you can do, and no shortage of nasties associated with smoking.

Stress: We all have to deal with stress to some extent or another. Mother Nature, neighbors, politicians, and the tax man all of us to throw curveballs 07.24.52. I'm sure that even the world's richest man, dictators, presidents and prime ministers, the British royal family, and they spoiled the upper crusts have to deal with stress in a while. No one has ever stress-free all the time. Surprisingly, it is preferred to others. It keeps you focused and on your toes. Too much stress on the mind too much stress that affects the rest of the body - ulcers, if nothing else. The only advice I have a plan ahead to minimize or control the future of stress, worry and do those things that do not have any control over. It also helps if you have a friendly shoulder to cry!

Thinning your blood: an old drug what ailed you often had to be leeches on the skin and take some of the blood sucked out of you. Apparently, it has positive effects in many cases. I'm not going to defend you connect you with leeches, but is one way blood clots, a clear benefit to you and to others, and donate blood on a regular basis, if eligible. Lose 500 ml of blood every 12 weeks, you will not damage an ounce. Not everyone can donate, of course - an aspirin a day may be doing some thinning as well, or as an alternative.

Variety is the spice of life: Do not hold yourself in a total rut, even if the routine is nice. Vary your daily routine or diet, even if only slightly, in order to experience something new. If a one-off experiment flubs, well not dared to no good. You can try something else. If you can not find one small variation in their everyday diet, or a week, you're not trying hard enough.