Sunday, January 15, 2012

Honey Facial Masks

Other benefits to the preparation of masks at home you can put together a recipe in a few minutes, apply the mask to your convenience and comfort of your own home. Use a mask once or twice a week and be consistent, you can make a difference in how your skin looks and feels.

A honey mask is effective and easy to do.

Combine the honey with one of the following ingredients until a smooth paste (remove seeds, pits and seeds in order to have a soft mask):
Aloe vera, avocado, carrot, cream cheese, cucumber, lemon, mango, pear, peach, pineapple, strawberries, wheat germ and yogurt. Apply the mixture on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area, relax with the mask for 15 minutes and clean the mask alternating hot and cold water and ends with a jug of cold water. A recommendation to get the most out of your honey mask is the use of organic ingredients. Also make sure you always prepare new masks, do not do it before use.

Before the face mask, it is important to test the ingredients in a piece of his skin. You want to make sure that you will not have an adverse reaction to the ingredients. Normally, if you are able to digest an ingredient should be no adverse reaction in the skin. You do not want to know after applying a mask. If you know you are allergic to something, then you do not want to have that ingredient in your mask. It is always better to be safe and everything tested before implementation.