Monday, January 16, 2012

Heart Disease Causes


Inflammation is the result of bodily injury. It's how the body's immune system is later. Long term inflammation occurs when you get too much of your body the care of yourself! With heart disease the inflammation can also cause the body to send the wrong type of treatment of the solution may come in the form of plaque which in turn causes the arteries to narrow.

Elevated levels of cortisol

High levels of cortisol (the stuff that increases when stressed) leads to an increase in blood pressure levels and more belly fat. As seen above the high blood pressure is bad for us for many reasons! Abdominal fat has been shown to increase the chances of heart disease, contributing to metabolic syndrome. The main reason for this is that there is an increase of fat in your body.

Plaque in the arteries

Ultimately, it blocks the arteries and can cause a heart attack. This board can come from fat, cholesterol, calcium and various other locations.

Better methods of risk prevention

* Exercise
* A healthy diet
* Stress Management

These should not be too surprising, since this is what you hear many times. However, these areas are not exactly easy to identify the account # 1. So what follows is a look at the most significant activities.


Most sources say it takes half an hour of moderate activity every day of the week and then moderate is about two miles in half an hour. Why? Because the list of advantages is impressive!

* To sleep better (resulting in reduced blood pressure levels)
* Results of a more efficient cardiovascular system
* Manage weight therefore have less body fat in the blood
* Increases blood flow allowing the heart to work better
* Lowers blood pressure
* Increases HDL (good cholesterol)
* Lowers triglycerides


This is the area most likely had the most conflicts, but all experts believe that a diet plan with an increase in vegetables and fruits was the best option. Why? According to Jill Nussinow, MS, RD, the high antioxidant activity of vegetarian and vegan food is important in heart health.

Furthermore, when these foods, many of which are naturally loaded with fiber, both soluble and insoluble, are replaced by products of animal origin potentially clog the arteries, will help reduce cholesterol levels, possibly regulate blood sugar ( involved in coronary artery disease), and help people to lose or maintain weight easier?