Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top 7 tips for summer health and fitness

Summer is fast approaching, so here is our top ten list for making this summer your fitness and healthiest yet!
Set a goal:  It could be to run a 5k or to lose a stone. Then break your goal down into smaller chunks, such as a weekly training plan or a weekly weight loss target. Write your goals and targets down and put them somewhere you can see it everyday as a reminder to keep going.

Share Goal: Share your goal with friends and family, you could even go one step further a post your goal on Facebook. This will make you accountable for your actions and you are more likely to not give up.

 Join a club or fitness class: There are loads of free or community based fitness clubs or classes in your town, where likeminded people to you are hanging out and getting fit. If you mingle with people that are trying to achieve the same goal as you then you instantly have a new support network and also make new friends and potential business acquaintances.

 Plan your meals: You wouldn't go on holiday without working out where you were going to stay, how to be going to get to your destination and what sort of currency you would need to take. Good nutrition planning is no different. Plan what you will eat for breakfast, lunch and tea, and then work out what snacks you will have and bag them all up and take them to work with you. We love snacking on nuts which are easy to stick in a food bag and put in your top drawer of your desk. It will help you stay away from the vending machines when you get a sudden food craving.

 Drink water: then some more, then some more! Your body is made up of 70% water so if you dehydrate the body it will not function correctly and you will begin to feel lethargic and run down. Take a 1 liter bottle of water to work with you and sip continuously throughout the day.

 Get some fresh air: How many of you suffer from the 3pm energy slump? During your lunch break get outside for 20 minutes are fresh air and oxygen. Vitamin D from sunlight will help to alleviate the afternoon energy dip. Encourage someone from work to join you then you can catch up on the work gossip.